These days, recycling is becoming common in people’s daily life. Most towns and cities collect cans and plastic bottles for recycling. Many families use products made from recycled paper, and in this way, they try to make the environment better. It is becoming more important to take care of the environment.
20秒でin this way, by doing so, so, as a resultを探しながら黙読します。in this way, by doing so, so, as a resultの文章の中のsuchに注意します。
According to the passage, how do many families try to make the environment better?と聞かれた場合は、まず文中で、in this way, by doing so, so, as a resultを探します。
この問題文では、Many families use products made from recycled paper, and in this way, they try to make the environment better.に答えがあります。 Howで聞かれているので、By using products made from recycled paper. と回答すれば満点です。
答え By using products made from recycled paper. 以上で満点です。
Now, please look at the picture in Picture A. They are doing different things. Tell me as much as you can about what they are doing.
・わからなくなるので、時計回りに答えるとわかりやすいです。 ・A man, A woman, A girl, A boy Two boys, などから始めます。 ・質問文が現在進行形なので現在進行形で答えます。 ・単語が思いつかない時はsomethingを使う。
解答は A woman is planting some flowers. A man is painting the wall. A woman is walking with her dog. A boy is riding a bike. A man is putting something on a truck.